Alex and I went driving because she was hungry for cat food.
The sky was grim, there were ominous lights in the background, and Alex joked about an alien invasion. We went grocery shopping and ended up buying several different colors of cups and cat food. On the drive home, we saw this enormous truck with really strong lights driving through a field. Considering we were already thinking of aliens and end of the world scenarios, my bright friend took a quick left onto a street that we had never driven on before. It was a rush thinking of chasing a UFO or alien spacecraft and the rush continued for another 14 seconds until we got stuck in some mud. It turns out that she had turned onto a Level B road and there was no way to remove her car from the already unfortunate situation. We were trying to get it unstuck but that only caused the car to slide more and more into the steep ditch. Alex called her mother while we layered coat after coat onto our bodies. Her mom wished us luck and we started to walk, not once offering to give us a ride home. I refused to call my parents because they wouldn't have given us a ride either. I didn't mind walking back to Alex's cottage until we stepped outside the car and realized that there were absolutely no lights. Anywhere. Who knew that the middle of Iowa country was so horrifying at midnight? My friend and I had to walk along the side of the interstate for about 20 minutes and even though Alex was screaming, "WE'RE JUST TWO VIRGINS OF THE SAME NAME LOST IN THE WILD COUNTRY," no one stopped. I figured that hitching a ride would cause our lives to end that night anyways so I told her to smile and laugh whenever a car drove by, so it seemed like we were walking on purpose. Even though it was freezing outside and Alex was covered in snot, it turned out to be a good time. We played the name game and ignored the boarded up farm buildings along the way. If the character from television show Dexter was a real person, we had to have walked past at least three of his kill rooms. After a little over an hour, we had made it back to her cottage and everything was well with the world and it will be until we have to go back and get the cups Alex dropped along the way. Day one of my new life turned out to be really scary and funny and I hope everyday follows that trend.
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